Ready to book an appointment?


We offer the convenience of full online booking. You can book 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whenever you are available to look at your schedule.

We schedule by TIME BLOCKS. Below are the TIME BLOCKS and what services are in each. If you can’t remember how long your last service was, please text us at (218)269-9044 and we will more than happy to help you.

If you know what TIME BLOCK to book, please hit the BOOK NOW button.

If you do not see a date or time that you prefer, please book the next available appointment, and fill out the WAIT LIST link below. We will then contact you if there are additional days and times available outside the standard hours or cancellations.

If you have any questions about what TIME BLOCK to book, please text us at (218)269-9044

Can’t wait to see you!

Kelsey and Chelsey

All time blocks include a custom treatment for your hair needs and blow dry style. If you have long or thick hair please book a time block that is 30 minutes longer.

1.5 hour time block $150+

This block is for existing guests only:

maintenance tone + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

2 hour time block $200+

This block is for:

one solid color (going darker) + treatment + blow dried style

partial foil + treatment + blow dried style

mini foil + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

color retouch + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

2.5 hour time block $250+

This block is for:

full foil + treatment + blow dried style

global lightening retouch + treatment + blow dried style

color retouch + foil + treatment + blow dried style

one solid color (going darker) + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

partial foil + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

3 hour time block $300+

This block is for:

creative highlight + treatment + blow dried style

global lightening + treatment + blow dried style

full foil + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

color retouch + foil + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

global lightening retouch + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

3.5 hour time block $350+

This block is for:

creative highlight + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

global lightening + treatment + haircut + blow dried style

4 hour time block $400+

This block is for:

any major color changes

color corrections

All pricing is subject to change. Pricing varies depending on stylist. If you have long or thick hair there may be an additional charge.